All Students in RSU1 may eat Breakfast & Lunch for NO CHARGE going forward.
For the 2023-24 school year, there will be no Free and Reduced Application to fill out.
As the Director of Food Service for RSU1, I am excited about the prospect of feeding your children. As the year goes on, we will be making exciting changes to our menu and program – so please stay tuned. We will be evaluating our menus in order to implement meals that are exciting, nutritious and fun. We hope to work with staff to find opportunities to integrate food into the curriculum. We would like to implement programs such as purchasing local foods, conducting taste-testings, and recipe development with students.
We believe the food that we are serving is as fresh and healthy as what is prepared at home. We know that your time is precious, especially as you race to get your children ready to start the day. We would love to have the opportunity to take some of that burden from you – let us provide your children with a healthy breakfast or lunch each day!
Melissa Cole
Director of Food Service and Nutrition
Phone: (207) 443-6601 Ext 120
Fax: (207) 443-8295
How to Pay for Milk: MySchoolBucks Instructions