Blue four toe paw print


September 20, 2019

The Woolwich Way

Respect . Responsibility . Honesty . Compassion . Courtesy . Quality


10/11        Professional Day for Staff - No School

10/14        Columbus Day - No School

10/25        BMS Halloween Dance


Great things are happening at WCS!

This week our 8th grade class participated in the FLOW trip- a 4 day canoe/camping trip put on by Chewonki. FLOW stands for Fundamental Learning On Water. Students were broken out into small groups. They canoed out to several islands and spent their time doing tidal and navigation studies as well as working on a reflection art project centered on their time together.


If you have not yet filled out a Free and reduced form, please do so! As of October 1st any family previously covered who has not filled out the form this school year will revert to full pay. If you are unsure if you qualify, fill out the form! Forms are available on the website and at the school office. If you have any questions concerning free and reduced lunches, please contact Joanne Wells, Kitchen Manager at WCS, or Tim Harkins, RSU1 Nutritional Director at 443-6601


It is so good to be back at school, I hope we all feel that same way. School is so important for many reasons, for example it is great training for when one enters the workforce.  Adults have to be at work every single day and the same is true of students in school: it is their "job" so to speak. We all need to be here every single day. Of course there are those rare times when it is better to be home, like when a fever is over 100.0 or vomiting due to illness, (not anxiety) or diarrhea.  Please call the nurse if you have questions on when to keep your child home. I am hoping for great attendance with our students this year and I know you are as well. ~ Nurse Sherwood


Come to the BMS PTSA Annual Halloween dance for students in grades 6, 7 & 8. The dance is from 6-8PM at the Bath Middle School Gym - admission is $5.00. There will be refreshments for sale, and prizes for the best costume!


We are off to a great start in PE this year!  The middle school has a heavier focus on cardiovascular fitness and self improvement this year.  There are no standards they are being held to, it's all about getting a baseline and improving their own scores and times.  If students show improvement in the mile run and pacer test throughout the year they have the opportunity to earn bracelets that are a symbol of their hard work in PE class.  

Our K-5 students are participating in a new program called the Mileage Club as their daily warm-up in PE. I am recording data of every students’ lap totals for the entire year. We have personal goals and school wide goals that go along with it.  For every 100 laps that students run they will earn a Bigfoot Charm for their shoelaces. These charms are a symbol of hard work and accomplishment. The school wide goal is to combine our laps for the entire year and make it to California. That is 3,240 miles or 81,000 laps.  I will keep a running tab going throughout the year. The students seem very excited about it.  

Remember, any activity that you do as a family helps them with their goals in PE. Please remember to keep sending those sneakers on PE days, as it allows them to be comfortable and at their very best.  Thank you all and have a great fall! ~ Mr. Hutchings

In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.

BATH ROTARY 4Way 5K - SATURDAY 10/12/19 at 9:00AM

The 6th Annual Bath Rotary 4-Way 5K Run/Walk will be held Saturday, October 12 at 9 a.m. at the BRCTC, 800 High Street, Bath. Mid Coast Medical Group Bath is the Title Sponsor again this year and all proceeds from the race will benefit the Frazier Metcalf Swim for Health Memorial Fund which provides swimming and water safety lessons to all 3rd grade students in RSU 1. You can find additional information and register online for the race at


The Patten Free Library will be hosting a few upcoming middle school-aged programs. Both are free, but require that you register through the library reference desk (443-5141, x12) or

1.       “ZINE” workshop from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Monday, September 23 in the Teen Space. Open to students in grades 6 and up.  Participants will leave with a mini-magazine that they design and make, plus copies of the zines made by the other people in the class.


2.        Sushi-making workshop from 4:00 to 5:30 the following Monday, on September 30, also in the Teen Space.   Staff from Now You’re Cooking will help participants make delicious vegetable sushi rolls, which of course will be consumed shortly thereafter.  Grades 6-12.