October 25, 2019
The Woolwich Way
Respect . Responsibility . Honesty . Compassion . Courtesy . Quality
IMPORTANT UPCOMING EVENTS 10/25 Woolwich Warrior Challenge 5PM-7PM 10/25 BMS Halloween Dance 6:00-8:00PM 10/29 8th Grade Harvest Supper Meeting 6:00PM 10/30 Picture Retake Day 11/3 Daylight Savings Ends - Fall Back 1 hour 11/5 Election Day 11/8 Professional Day - No School for Students 11/11 Veteran’s Day Celebrated - No School 11/12 Veteran’s Day Assembly - 1:30 PM 11/15 Grandparent’s Luncheon 11/16 8th Grade Harvest Supper |
CELEBRATIONS! Great things are happening at WCS!
Thank you for all that you’ve done to help us reach our goal! |
Each day your child is going to be absent from school, you need to contact the office. Knowing where your children are is a safety issue. Please take the time to let us know when your child is absent from school. We will be following up with families who have not contacted the school when their child has been absent. Thank you to those who call in each day your child is absent from school. Please remember, if your child is going to be absent for more than one consecutive day, you need to fill out an extended leave of absence form.
Cheering season is coming up fast! Please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfYzA6xvV1QG7OtwQYwPzhgmc1_R_QfBw1fy3oUkKs6cd5hLg/viewform and contact Cara Kilton or email woolwichcheer@gmail.com with any questions. Our program is comprised of several competition cheer teams for Woolwich area children grade K through 6th. Practices will be M/W/F, frequency and time depending on team. Please complete the form below and wait to be contacted regarding team placement and schedule. We will be holding pre-season assessments to determine teams as we have a lot of girls transitioning age divisions this year. Stay tuned to the Woolwich Cheer Facebook page!
School pictures have arrived and have been sent home with students. If your child was absent on picture day or if you would like to have a retake, you can plan on that for Wednesday, October 30th. Bring in your picture packet on retake day and Lifetouch will replace it with the retake. Questions? Go to mylifetouch.com and use ID LG229005Q1. You can also order more pictures from the website. Paper order forms are available in the WCS Office.
Tuesday, November 12th at 1:30PM in the GYM
Come to see: Grades 1 & 2, Middle School Band and Middle School Chorus
If you would like to take your student home with you from the afternoon performance:
- Please remember your ID
- Check in with the office before the performance
- We will arrange for those students to be released to you at the end of the performance.
Trick or treating is one of children's greatest excitements, and if we are honest, perhaps it was one of our childhood highlights as well. I know you have all heard these things before but since they could save a life, it is worth repeating:
1. Wear or carry something reflective. We are rural and walking house to house can be dangerous. People in cars have their hands full too, but remember to buckle up each and every time.
2. Check your students "loot". What are you looking for? Something that just does not look right, a wrapper that is loosened, odd shapes or anything coming out of the candy.
3. Candy is fun to get, look at, and eat...however it is not the best choice for snacking, so limit the amount they have and please remember how important brushing the teeth becomes when ingesting candy.
4. There are dentists in the area that do take candy as an "exchange" (I have heard it called "candy buy back.")
5. Please limit the amount you send to school with your student. The sugar does cause an increase in energy and trying to sit still in a classroom and learn on a belly full of candy OR ride the bus becomes very difficult.
6. Lastly, listen to their stories, it may seem simple and mundane, but hearing what they have to share is so important, they are excited to share. ~ Nurse Sherwood
HEAD LICE: It is very common to return to school in the fall and have head lice present. However, right now I am seeing a bit more than usual. PLEASE check your child's head perhaps every few days for a while, AND maybe "pony tails" in long hair could be the new fashion statement for a few weeks? ~Nurse Sherwood
In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.
The Salvation Army is currently taking applications for support with Christmas until November 7th. You can apply in person at the Salvation Army on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9AM - 12PM. You’ll need to bring a photo ID, proof of income and proof of expenses. If you qualify you’ll receive an outfit for your children as well as some toys for Christmas.
This year, the Teen Library Council of Patten Free Library is teaming up with the Solar Star Masonic Lodge to create the creepiest haunted house tour ever. On Sunday, October 27, from 6-9 p.m., the Solar Star Lodge will open its doors at 968 Washington Street for the event. The Teen Library Council (including Woolwich residents Lora LaRochelle, Lucas Blaiklock, Oscar Hennin, Natalie Emmerson, Nina Ryan) will stage 20-minute guided tours of the “Plague House” for all who dare to cross the threshold. Three floors of horror! You can reserve a tour time through the Information Desk at the Library (443-5141, ext. 12, or pflreference@patten.lib.me.us) We can accommodate tour groups of up to five people per tour. Recommended for middle school and up.
Click Here for information about a 1-day flag football camp