Blue four toe paw print


April 30, 2021

The Woolwich Way

Respect • Responsibility • Honesty • Compassion • Courtesy • Quality 


5/3 - Special School Board Meeting 6pm (virtual)

5/5 - Middle School B direct instruction, (A enrichment day)

5/12 - Middle School A direct instruction, (B enrichment day)

5/19 - Middle School B direct instruction, (A enrichment day)

5/24 - School Board Meeting 6pm (virtual)

5/26 - Middle School A direct instruction, (B enrichment day)

5/29 - WCS Run Club race 9am

5/31 - Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL

6/2 - Middle School B direct instruction, (A enrichment day)

6/9 - Middle School A direct instruction, (B enrichment day)

6/16 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Middle School B direct instruction, (A enrichment day)- stay tuned for more details!


Great things are happening at WCS!

  • RUN CLUB HAS STARTED and students in grades K-5 are LOVING IT! Students are learning stretching techniques and endurance tips as they get ready for their race at the end of May.


Earth Day was celebrated during the April vacation, and Mrs. Keefe’s 3rd graders wrote poems to mark the occasion!

We live on planet earth, it's not just you and me 

The animals live here too, keeping the earth clean is key.

Recycle as much as you can

Lend the earth a helping hand. 

Don’t throw trash on the ground, it will make me and the earth frown. 

Keep the earth nice and clean 

If you don’t that’s just plain mean.

Earth day is one day in the spring 

But I don’t see why that should mean anything. 

Earth day should be celebrated every day, no matter what the calendars say. 

~ Lynette Graham


Are you planning to get a Covid-19 shot, but have not yet?  This is the perfect time! All area locations have openings, and are truly, "walk in, walk out".  If anyone has trouble with booking an appointment, please contact me and I will gladly help.  If you have a family member that needs a ride, or any other possible obstacle, contact me and I will do my best to help. While we are seeing many adults get immunized, only those who are 16 years old and older are able to get vaccinated at this point. This leaves our younger children to be the highest rising number of Covid cases.  I urge you to continue to do your part: do not lessen masking, hand washing and social distancing. Please notify me if you or your family have been exposed to someone with Covid-19. At this point NOTHING HAS CHANGED.  We are so happy to have all grades PreK-8 back full time, and if we want this to continue and finish the year strong we must "STAY THE COURSE".  It is working, and we will continue to work together.  ~Nurse Sherwood

In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.

CLICK HERE for more information on an upcoming Bath Recreation Boys Lacrosse Clinic for students in grades 3-6.